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True Freedom is...

Peace of mind Doing what enriches your life lifts your heart body mind senses life excites you. Doing what makes you proud sharpens your senses makes you appreciative aware engaged more fully awake alive!


The smallest changes that make the biggest difference

They're easy to miss, but you don't have to

In Life and Work

Starting Points

Here are 6.

This is not a complete list, just a thumbnail idea.  It’s incomplete – on purpose.

We just want you to get a glimpse into the world we’re exploring.

Test them.

You be the judge.

When you're feeling bogged down

Get Breathing Space

Take 2 minutes and change how decluttering gives you more [opportunity, effectiveness, possibilities].


Hold this [Breathing Space] meter up to everything

[image of meter. Less than = Don’t do, Stop doing, declutter, deflect, distentangle]

10 is a perfect fit.  9 is strong.  8 works too.

The rest..?  There’s just something about it that we don’t understand but it doesn’t feel right, does it?

Stack the deck in your favor.

[image – side by side clutter


[Scientists would call it Cognitive Load]

Do it.

How does it feel?

When you're wondering which way to go

Aim your brain differently: here’s how

Take 3 seconds and change how vantage point reveals your next move.

Look past the question and imagine yourself in your best future:

What do you want my story to be?.

Now, look back at the question.

Ask yourself, ”  What am I glad I did?”

[Scientists call it Future Retrospection]

Do it now.

What do you feel?

When you wonder if your gut is right.

Take 3 seconds and ask it.

What does it tell you?

How does it feel?

When you're concentrating and your brain is toast

Step away

Take 3 minutes and change how letting your brain unfocus reveals answers that have been in front of you all along.

Even when doing your best work, step away,

No phone, no conversation, no reading.

This isn’t a sabbatical, a walk to the restroom is all you need.

[Scientists call it Diffused Focus]

Test it.

What do you feel?

When you want to get your life/business unstuck; have the time and the money

Look though a different lens; like this

Take 2 minutes and change how overlaying 3 lens focuses in on your answer.

Ask it, “How do I make the money AND give me time to pursue my other interests, WHILE providing the quality of life I want to experience on this journey.

[Looks like this]

only those things within the overlap.

[Science: The Venn diagram, invented by a 13th century Majorcan knight, and used by all search engines today.]

Now do it.

How does it feel?

When you have big goals

Think small bridges to islands

Take 3 minutes and break your big goal into smaller and smaller pieces until you have one thing that you can do right now.

What is that one thing?

[Looks like this – small bridge to an island.  Secure!  Now go from there.]
[Science: The Principle of Simplicity – this may be a different thing than simplicity]

Do it.

What do you feel?

When you want to achieve bigger goals in shorter days

Bring what’s important into closer focus more times a day. 

Take 90 seconds a days and change how simple scoring unlocks [what] … and improves/shapes things that matter.

You see it all the time with athletes bettering their time; just measuring increases speed and reduces time.  You can use this everywhere.

[looks like this:  sprinkle measures across your day]

feel how something inside of you, that’s already there, kicks in.  Starts unlocking, unraveling, innovating



(e.x. Do I like this?  Yes/ No.  Am I doing what matters most?  Yes /No.  Did I get more / less?  Better / worse?  1-10?  Number?

Time?  Distance?)

[Science: The Power of giving things a number]

When you want True Freedom in Every area of your life.

Narrow your choices

Where this leads

These are small parts of a larger universe

What else could you do to create more True Freedom
in other areas of your life?

You see the bigger picture

you have choices:

1. You can just be free and live; working so much less


2. You can use it as a turning point, to live your most your highest-level purpose.

Choice is yours

Imagine walking with wonder...

How much better would they make life?

How fast?

Where does it lead?

[insert circle diagram]


Breathing Space, NAVIGATION ap, REWIRE system, CONNECT, Build CRM, LEAD: Sales For Non Sales People, challenges, community…

Simple answers to some of the biggest problems

First hand stories, real life examples.. about to dropped in your hands

Join us
Test it
You be the judge

Airplane Mode

Take 30 seconds, go to Settings in your phone, find ” Silence unknown callers,” and turn it on.

No more spammers, telemarketers…

You don’t ever have to deal with them again.

When you just want to get your bearings at the end of a busy day.


Take 15 seconds and change how breathing gives you calm.

[Scientists call Downregulating.]

Do it now.

What do you feel?

When you don't have enough time in your busy days.

Activate Deflector Shields

Like your personal Airplane Mode

Take a moment and look into your day

seconds and recognize time and energy hijackers; turn them off.

Stop doing

[Scientists call it Derailment]

notifications, interruptions, distractions…

Take control


Take back the time that’s been taken from you.



Deflect calls from scammers, telemarketers and people you really don’t want to talk to.

Here’s one that’s easy to miss:  No more calls from telemarketers, and Nigerian Princes:

Go into Settings/Phone/ Silence Unknown Callers.

You never have to be derailed by them again.

Do it now.

What do you feel?

When you want life to be better; now


Take 15 seconds and change .. less is more

ponder how eliminating things that Drain your time energy and heart would feel

long it takes to create a better life by adding new things.  Now look into your

days; what’s something that if you reduced some of it – or never had to do it again

would make life better, immediately?


[The Science of Less]

Do it.

What do you feel?

When you stumble

Use it

Turn a stable to a spark.

Take 2 minutes and change how you see a stumble as the need for persistence, instead

as a cry for change, an opportunity for a transformative growth engine.

Where does persistence down the wrong road get you?

or an


turn a stumble into a spark.

What if you absolutely should not stay calm and chive on?




[Science: Creative Irritation]

Do it.

How does it feel?

When you want to get off the loop you're tired of

Stop doing

Take 2 minutes and change how subtraction gives you more opportunity faster than addition.

When you want to increase your energy

Take 9 seconds change how awareness gives you energy.

Ask yourself, “How’s my energy, 1-10?”

Give it a score.


Now ask it again, “How’s my energy, 1-10?”

Notice the uptick.

[Science: Simple Awareness]

Do it now.

What do you feel?

Let's get started.

Contact Us - Joel

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